Field day Antenna 8 Band 100 Watt

$ 184.03


Field day 8 band antenna for 80.40 (30) 20.17, 15.12 and 10 meters.

Length: 40 meters.
Enclosure: ABS IP65
BNC: Silver Teflon Connector.
All fixing materials are made of stainless steel.
An antenna tuner is only required on the 30 meter band.


All measurements for this antenna were taken in an open field.
We use 5 meter of coax to a line isolator.
From the line isolator to the analyzer we used 10 meters of coax RG58.
The antenna network box was positioned 4 meter above the ground.
The length of the antenna wire to the matching network is 40 meters and connected to an 12 meter mast at the top like a sloper.



Make a choice
Without a capacitor the lowest swr is at 3.5MHz.


Name: DG1VM Stadt: Bernbeuren 06 september 2021 Time: 12:43:13

Now that I can call the Mini 8-band antenna my own for 3 years, I have to get rid of a review.

As a conclusion beforehand: The antenna is the burner par excellence.

Only recently I could achieve super results with only 40W power at the IARU1 SSB Fieldday. I have succeeded in some DX connections (K3, BY, JA, ...). Likewise, within EU from some stations quite values 59+20 were given to me.

I personally recommend to operate the antenna according to the technical description by Werner Schnorrenberg (DC4KU) -> see Tech Info. With a line insulator and the appropriate mounting height, the antenna works perfectly.

Thanks for the great product!

73, de Volker, DG1VM
Name: Mike VE7KPZ City: Vernon, BC, Canada 04 februari 2020 Time: 02:28:18

I really like this antenna.

In all setups so far, I've run it as a sloper, with the match box at 5m high and the far end approximately 7-10 meters high strung up via a tree. I feed the match box with 5m of M+P Hyperflex 5, then into an Alpha Delta ATT3G50U attached to a ground stake, then the HyEndFed Portable Mini 200w Line Isolator, 5 more meters of coax and finally the radio, a Yaesu FT-891.

The FT-891 has no internal tuner, so running this antenna direct is a treat. SWR in reality is a bit better than advertised. I observe an 80m bandwidth (2:1 to 2:1) of about 250 kHz for each tuning jumper. I usually choose the 3.7 MHz jumper as most of time I work the left hand side of the Canadian phone area. I will note that with the 3.7 MHz jumper in, 40m SWR does favor the lower side of the band.

Signal reports on phone have been fantastic running 80 watts. From South central British Columbia, I'm working stations on the East coast of Canada and all through the USA. Build construction of the antenna is very good - this weekend it survived some rather high winds and over the winter, snow has been no problem for it.

I should comment that the antenna is not permanently installed. It's only used on weekend camping trips which offer a chance to get out into S0-S1 noise areas. I will be experimenting with setting the far end higher in the trees this spring.

Thanks Ron for the beautiful build and tune. It's a pleasure each time to setup and take down the antenna. The supplied antenna storage reel and pouch are super handy as well.

73 and thanks,
Name: Manfred Hotz Stadt: Elsau 01 augustus 2019 Time: 09:17:46

This is a fine portable antenna for the low sunspot time. It's the perfect companion when space is not a problem. This is a no compromise antenna. I use it together with 2 poles, a 8m heavy duty from WIMO and a super strong 10m DX wire. Standing wave ratio is within specification and the jumpers for 80m bring the antenns in resonance at the QRG you choose. I don't use a line Isolator, because I use it only on quiet places. A few cores are always in the pocket to block unwanted HF if needed. I use a 10m long RG-174 coaxial cable. The Transceiver is my KX2 or the FT991A. Signals are way beyond simple wires or shortened ground planes. Stunning Signals on the low bands even at QRP power level - mostly louder than 100w stations with compromise setups. The antenna should be as high as possible 8m and up, and in the clear with no surrounding objects. This is a high quality product at a customer friendly price. This version is a winner.

Sorry the bad English.

73 de Manfred, HB9FLU
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